COMFORTABLE IN YOU R SKIN? Beauty is being confident in your skin! In a country where the skin tone is often store bought, it is poignant we talked about the importance of self esteem and dissuade what the media has imposed on this generation. It tears me apart when I see some of my students fall into this quagmire. How do I tell them that MOST of our musicians are being myopic in their celebration of just the FAIR skin? How do I teach them to celebrate all natural skin tones when we bow at the altar of washed out celebrities? So many names given to it - toning, bleaching, cleaning up- but it still boils down to one thing- MENTAL SLAVERY. Beauty is skin deep! The jars of bleaching cream, the frozen soaps and the loads of filters can never define you. The moment you abstain from self deprecation, the moment you are liberated to see the beauty the world needs to celebrate. Beauty comes in different co...