Some weeks back, a student I haven’t heard from in a while told me, “You always WIN at everything!
🤣🧐 Child,
- For every WIN, I have LOST a couple of times.
- For every ACCEPTANCE letter , I have got a REJECTION or 2
- For every YES, a strong NO.
Only difference- I NEVER QUIT!
Young man, remember the day you came into my office with your friends to give me the gist of what happened in your class and I was all smiles and laughter. Well, I just cried my eyes out because I was rejected at the Stage 3 of a competition. 🤣🤣 🤣Terrible right? Horrid? But did I let that shatter me? No! I picked myself up,tried AGAIN and I got in.
Young girl, can you recall the day I left school early and came back a bit sulky? I was rejected for the 3rd time because the LADY in charge probably felt I was undeserving. Don’t even let me talk about how many “ We are sorry to inform you...” mails I’ve got. Does it affect me? Of course yes! What do I do?
I find out what went wrong and TRY AGAIN
My dear, life will knock the winds out of you ; make you gravel and still drag you out for all to see!
Life would humble you with challenges, take your anchor and still sit right next to you in companionship.
Life will come in form of rejections, horrible decisions and failure.
But never for a second allow it to keep you down. Try again and AGAIN
When everyone gives up on you, DO NOT EVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! For all your WEAKNESSES, find your STRENGTHS. Use your OPPORTUNITIES to shun your THREATS . When they tell you NO , find out the reasons behind the rejection and return STRONGER.
My 6 Tenets
- You are your greatest cheerleader.
- Delay is not denial!
- Not everyone will like you, you are not ice- cream.
- Understand your Circle of Influence and use it well.
- When you are asked, “ What if you fail?” , simply reply, “ What if I pass?”
- The cup can either be half empty or half full , YOU DECIDE.